Share your Status with anyone. Anywhere. Anytime!
Your profile. Your status. It’s very easy. Click “Register” to begin creating your member profile and read the terms and privacy agreement information. It's very similar to a dating profile however NOBODY can see it unless you allow them to. Enter the tests you are likely going to take, take the test, fax the results - go have fun! But do so confidently and safely!
It’s easy as 1,2,3!
Create your profile at
You will receive a welcome email confirmation with your login, randomly generated password and CareXO ID# which is what you can use and be shared with other CareXO members you wish to disclose your status to.
Log in to your account and print the Test Request via the “Test Result Form” link. Take this with you. This form is unique to your profile and is required to update your status. Simply ask the test provider to check the appropriate boxes, sign and fax the document back to*
From you will be able to share your HIV/STD status with others on the web or using your unique ID# and smartphone.
You can store your STD test history and have it available for doctors appointments or dates. No more trying to remember when your last test was, or digging through piles of paperwork to find your information when your doctor requests it or awkward conversations at the bar!
We have made agreements with local testing centers to expedite and process your test results much faster with the help of Although some test results can be learned within 20 minutes, some of the more extensive results take time, up to a week or more, plus the time to call your doctor, fax, or email just to get your results. was founded to encourage openness about HIV/STD status and regular testing by making it routine, something not to be feared and open for discussion between potential partners. A tool to spur the conversation with your partners so that you may safely initiate by simply asking “Are you on CareXO?”
Share your status, safely, and securely.
A Secured database
Encourages fast test result turn around
Opens communication between you, our partner and your medical professional
Take your Digital record keeping with you anywhere, anytime
Promotes healthy relationships
* Some facilities, like mobile units, may not have fax machines on site. You may have to fax them yourself.